Lukyanov Oleg V.

Oleg V. Lukyanov
Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor,
Head of the Department of Psychology of Personality,
National Research Tomsk State University;
The author of several monographs and social research projects devoted to the existential structure of a modern person.
Work in progress:
- Everyday forms of existential foundations perversion: work addiction, non-chemical addictions and co-dependencies, violence, loneliness, perplexity, psychological lumpenization (the loss of the way of life)
- Existential reasons of genius, talent and mediocrity
Academic interests:
Existential and phenomenological psychology
Psychology of the way of life and self-identity
Applied psychology
Scientific projects:
“The Land of Slenderness” – alternative to the industry of weight loss (network therapeutic space)
Applied phenomenology – teaching of basic skills of creating therapeutic spaces (educational initiative)
MOOC “Genius. Talent. Golden Mediocrity”
Current research project:
The study of work addiction as a co-dependence (the way of life that causes addictions and dependent forms of behavior)
The development of systematic anthropological empathy model (the research of the problem of empathy deficits and empathic initiatives)
2009 – Sc.D., Tomsk State University
1997-2001 — Institute of Humanistic and Existential Psychology (Lithuania), educational program “Existential therapy”, professional level (1340 hours).
Professional membership:
Existing member of the East European Association for Existential Therapy (EEAET)
Deputy chief editor of “Siberian Journal of Psychology”;
Member of editorial boards of several scientific journals (“Tomsk State University Journal”, “Existential Tradition”); 
Member of the Academic Board at National Research Tomsk State University;
Academic advisor of the international project “The Land of Slenderness” – alternative to the industry of weight loss (network therapeutic space)
Author’s concepts:
Transtemporal psychology
Therapeutic fencing (invention patent № 2431506)
Psychological journeys
Cooperation proposal
Cross-cultural studies of the psychology of the way of life