Krasnoryadtseva Olga M.

I. Personal details
Name – Olga M. Krasnoryadtseva
Nationality  - Russian
II. Qualifications
1997 – Ph D in psychology
1986 – research in psychological science
1982-1985 – postgraduate studies  in psychology
III. Current employment
Since 2002 – full professor, chief of the department general and pedagogical psychology, TSU, faculty of  psychology
IV. Working experiens
1997 – 2001 -  full professor, chief of the department of  psychology of education, Barnaul state university, faculty of  psychology
1994-1996 – assistant professor of the department   of psychology of education, Barnaul state university, faculty of  psychology
1980-1993 – senior lecturer-assistant professor of thedepartment of  psychology, Karaganda state university, Kazakhstan
V. Skills
- people management
- teamwork
- computer literacy [literesi]
 VI. Membership
Member of  the Russian psychological society
Member of  the Russian society of psychologists of education
VII. Interesting
travel, voyage
take the photo
cross stitching
scientific interests - psychology of  thinking, psychology of education, psychology of expertise
 VIII. Publications
  1. Psychodiagnostic method of reconstraction of vocational values // Siberian psychological magazine  № 19. Tomsk: ТSU.- 2004 P.94-97
  2. Reflection as condition of actualization  of motivegeneration  senses in professionally training// Psychology of  education. Moscow: SSU, № 8 2008. P.68-75.
  3. Psychology-educational accompanied by training of specialist//Bulletin of TSU , № 305. , Tomsk:TSU 2007. P.157-165.
  4. Peculiarities of  dynamic  descriptions of immigrant’s  mental space  // Siberian psychological magazine  № 25, Tomsk:TSU 2007г. P.163-172
  5. Modern methodological and methodics problems of professional  preparation to teacher of psychology// Siberian psychological magazine  № 20 Tomsk:TSU.- 2004. P.109-110
  6. Deformation of personality emotional-attitudinal reaction as the destructive factor of professional behavior  // Siberian psychological magazine  № 26, Tomsk:TSU, 2007. P.166-170
  7. Sensitivity to problems as description of innovative potential of a personality//  Siberian psychological magazine  №33, Tomsk:TSU, 2009, P.13-19
  8. Experience of development and realization of  psychology-educational accompanied by training of  highly skilled workers // Psychology of  education. Moscow: SSU, № 5 2009. P.72-82
  9. Typological peculiarities of expression of the development of self-concept by teenagers  //   Siberian psychological magazine  № 29, Tomsk:TSU, 2008. P.74-79
  10. Psychological subject of  expertise of educational  innovations  // Вестник ТГУ Tomsk:TSU,  № 306. 2008. с.139-142
  11. Value determination of typological peculiarity of professional thinking of psychologists // Value basis of psychological science and psychology of  valuable// Moscow:IP RAS,  2008. P. 185-215